Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Fall and its MESSAGE.

The breeze came knocking last month,
With a blissful breezy sensation,
And a message:
“FALL is here”
It said.

Each day,
I breathe a sigh of RELIEF,
And remember fall
with its message.

Fall brings with it
Pain and
Glad tidings.

Fall brings with it
Loss: when the leaves fall.
Resurrection – the tree is REBORN.

Fall brings with it
Resilience: when the wind shakes the tree,
It resists and hold onto its root.

Fall brings with it
Patience: when the tree waits for a new bloom,
It blossoms and the fallen leaves beautify the earth.

Fall brings with it
Growth: when the tree emerges from the shook.
It thrives – and strives from within.

Each day,
I breathe a sigh of RELIEF,
And remember fall
And its message.

Fall comes and goes with its message: that -
“There is a bliss after every blast”

Fall is here,

And I am grateful for every new day,
I let the BREEZE sink in,
Swing BREEZILY through my fear,
Hoping on My Lord with a strong FAITH.

...........inhale the glad tidings

-          Ummuh Aiman

Monday, November 11, 2019

What Driving in America thought me.



For a while now, I have been driving on the highway, and each time, I have always been having this musing; that every bit of the drive is a message. I had wanted to write about it, but I always end up not putting it together. 

Yesterday, I had a funny experience, and that prompted me to share this reflection I kept having whenever I am on the road. I was supposed to be at a workshop as early as 8:30am. AlhamdulliLah, my husband was home, so I left the kids with him and left for the place early. Unfortunately, when I got there, I met another lady, she told me she had been waiting, that the security wouldn't open up. Then we got to realize that the workshop had been canceled (it was really cold yesterday, guess that made them to cancel). The lady said, she would go back to the library and all, to ask how they made the decision without any prior notice. I had to head home, because I already told my husband that it's been canceled.

 Although, there is this other place that I had to go(it didn't occur to me to head onto the place, until I was already on the highway). First, it was my first time on that particular highway, so I had to use the GPS. As I remembered, I took my phone, and wrote the address , so that I could renavigate, my phone went blank(really did not know what happened). I couldn't get the direction to my house, and there was an exit adjacent to me, I was contemplating whether to go towards it or keep moving.

Suddenly,I heard a horn, it felt like I was awaken from a slumber(lol). Then a man passed by me and gave me that sign(the f*); I realized that I was running at a low speed-- no wonder the guy got pissed off. And that triggered to reflect on the musings I always get while driving on the highway.


Driving on America road has always been reflective to me, compared to back home in Nigeria, where I come from. I could remember when I was in New York, I had several road tests, before I finally passed and got my license issued to me.

 On America roads, there are rules and law enforcement. It is like we all are given bylaws , and that must be adhered to strictly( like my people do say: when there is rules, there is punishment).

 You cannot drive on America road without knowing the rules; else you may encounter deadlock (this is not where I am going, though). So, what has always been my reflection.

 1. We have rules that must be followed, not only because of ourselves, but every other driver on the ROAD, and this brings me to the first point: our INTERCONNECTION ~ each time I drive, and my gaze meets another driver, my thought has always been that we are all connected, whereas most of us do not know that or arrogantly ignore that fact. How are we connected? And how can this interconnection affect us? The first instance of our interconnection is that we are all driving on that particular road, at that precise time, and at the given speed limit(minimum, or maximum ).

Every driver going at that time has to keep watching its mirror to stay alerted as to what move the vehicles around it takes. We may all be going to different destinations, but on that highway; we have things in common, and how we handle this is a core factor.

 When I say INTERCONNECTION, I do not mean just the physical or logical meaning; from my programmer's POV -- I mean that, RENEWAL-ENERGY, that is driving us( I can remember when I was in college, my OS professor, God rest her soul, whenever she gets to the scheduling algorithm part, she takes it so personally.

 Now as I grow, I see what she meant). The more we understand science, the more we would appreciate nature and the essence of our existence. And this takes me to the next point.

 2. That obstacles is inevitable, as we move along, at some points, there can be obstacles, and if care is not taken, how every party concerned reacts to this will gives a long way in determining the establishment of road rage. 

An instance is what happened to me yesterday; I know I made the mistake of taking that decision at the middle of the road, and that made me an obstacle to that man, and I do not have to blame him for whatever way he decided to respond, for I do not know what was going on in his life, and to how my slow pace influenced his journey.

 This is relatable to the journey of our lives, as we move along, we are most likely gonna get entangled at some point. And our response to this goes a long way to how we would carry on with the journey- In sha Allah!

             What are the OBSTACLES ? And HOW do you THINK is the best way to go about it?

What are YOU relying on to past this phase?are crucial questions we need to ask ourselves whenever the deadlock comes knocking.

 The fact is that, in a way, we all have this drama moments in our life, and this goes with the next measure.

 3. It is never a RACE, no, it was never meant to be a RACE with anyone.

 Whenever I get stuck up with people that run at a high speed than me;I always remember that we are not in a car race, not supposed to be, I do not let their pace get to me, I am cautious as to what speed I run.

     Is this speed what I can control, when it gets out of hand?

 At some points, we may need to keep up with the speed we go. But,as to why? And what is at stake?

 This to our life's journey is that our LIVES is never meant to be a competition with anybody but OURSELVES. How we control the energy within us, how we are able to control our destructive desires, and what are our GOALS?

Does our battle WITHIN align with our PURPOSE. And how does it reflect to everyone around us. On the highway, if I run at the pace, is it really what I can keep up with? Or can I do better than this without losing control?

 What are the control system, kept in place? Can I be conscious enough to control the accelerator? And to our lives, how are we connecting to our innate beauty?

 4. That our DESTINATIONS is not always the same; as connected as we are on the road, our EXITS is not always same. Likewise our life JOURNEY, no matter how strong our relationship is with other people, the journey is not always the same. We go different places, we meet different people, people come and go in our lives, yes, we are connected: making it a blessing or a curse is on us. What imprints are we living on another person's life? How do we show up?

Do we get to our destinations without causing obstacles to other people? As we drive on the highway, we all move in the same direction, at the given speed LIMIT, but do I keep driving when I get to my exit? NO!

 I have to drive towards my exit point and the amazing thing is that, when we drive towards this point, the speed limit is reduced, and there is a need to control the rate that I was coming with, so as not to lost track.

 No matter how fast we all drive, we can not go beyond our EXITS.

 Another amazing fact is that: if one is driving so fast and drove passed the exit point, he will have to go through driving time before he gets to an exit, which will hopefully lead him to his destination. Isn't that similar to our lives?

 How AMAZING!! Subhannallah!!!! 

 5. There is always law enforcement agents on the road. As annoying as I always find the GPS telling me that there is a speed trap on the road, I still have to be sure I am not driving too high, and this is inspiring to me, because, I do not want to get into any trouble with the police. So, I am careful, and maintain a controllable speed. 

How the speed trap works is that: police are stationed in some hidden places along the road, to check if any driver does not comply with the limit, and such drivers would be caught and most likely get their license revoked. 

All drivers are always cautious when the GPS says that a speed trap is ahead of them.

Sometimes, people get caught, and sometimes they don't. Even if they do not get caught -- if that speed is what the driver cannot control, something is gonna get caught with him.... Reality of life! 

Imagine if we all are conscious in the law given by our CREATOR, how amazing our stay, our journey would be, together. As some people try to bring out best, some bring out the beast in them, as we move along together.

 Truth is that:  we all have this drama season in our lives, how do we show up for it? 

How do we reconnect to our FITRAH , that innate beauty of ours, and see if we are really following the rules given unto us? 

 We all have rights over ourselves, how do I show up? And how do you show up? 

 Most of the problem in this life of ours is caused by misplaced priorities, neglected rights and responsibilities. We all are victim of opportunity cost, and what anyone decide to choose as his/her scale of preferences determines who and what will become of him/her - In sha Allah. 

 If I keep writing to what muse I get driving on America road, I would keep writing and it is never going to end, because it is similar to the journey of our lives, and as far as we are still alive, and still moving, it is not going to be over.


 I pray that Allah continues to guide and guard all our efforts in driving towards our purpose of existence, and make our stays and exit a blessing, and success in this life and hereafter. Aamiyn ____________

 PS: I later went to the other place that I was supposed to go, and I am grateful I did. ALHAMDULLILAH. I met two beautiful people, and I it was a time well spent together. .... alhamdulliLah

 PPS: So many times, Allah sends us messages through our INSTINCTS; sometimes we respect our instincts and take heed, and some other times we let our ego or emotions get us. 

Two moments in our lives are critical: our happiest and bitter moments. A test of Humility and Patience. I pray that we all go through these moments successfully.

 As Salam alaykum warahmatullah wabarakhatuhu.

A reflection on COVID 19

Where is HOME? COVID-19, a message that home calls.

Where is HOME?  Have you ever asked yourself what defines a home, or  how home feels like, especially if you are an immigrant like me. ...