Sunday, July 12, 2020

Let's TALK about LOVE.

I remember a time when I had to explain the misconception that people have when it gets to expressing love, especially when it has to do with them. 

I understand we all have a part of us that wants something, that likes to be treated in a particular way, likewise we have our own way of treating those whom our hearts feels for. Those we love. Love is a general concept, an important one at that, it is the root of human relationship. 

So, let's talk about LOVE.

How do you show love?
Where do you seek love?
How do you envisioned to be treated if loved?

In understanding love, we need to pray to The Source Of Love, Allaah, Subhanahu wa Talla, to place in our hearts sincere love, and INSIGHTS to deal: for there is purpose for everyone in our lives, and this we need to get straight in order to create a balance, and a healthy boundary for our selves, our soul; because that is all that matters.

Love and DESIRE are the foundation of our religion as Muslims, and this means, we need to understand that whomever or however we desire or love, if we do not get it RIGHT, and not let our love for Allaah be our why for whatever we love, then there is most likely gonna be big heartbreak. 

Gary Chapman, in most of his Love Languages books, he did made the readers understand how to identify the love languages of themselves, or those they love, and how to show it. But, most people are only concerned about their own part of the relationship, their own rights. Well, I am not saying this is wrong. It is not. But, take a little closer look, and change the role.

I mean, slow down your mind. Get back to the true definition of love. This is only attainable when we let our deepest selves to be seen and known. When we honor and agree that Allaah is The disposer of LOVE, and love starts from Him, and ends with Him. And we wholeheartedly show kindness, respect and affections by nurturing it every time, without forgetting that the CORE has a big role to play. This goes for every thing we call love, between spouses, friends, parents or neighbors.  And it needs to be rooted in each party for it to be well nourished.

If you truly need real connection, then be ready to do your part of the game. 

Do you have what it takes? To love, to give and show it.

After reading the book, I did made a few research, and I realized that, a lot of us get some part twisted. 

Well, if you have read the book, and known your love language and how you love to be treated, and what you do not like. Then I want you to use that as a prototype for the other party.  As you have your own language, so does the other people, and if you push them so hard, you may most likely lost them. And this is the root to toxic relationships, when we know our own rights, but fail to know the rights of others. 

What do I mean, take for instance, if you are so typical of your look, anyone who complains about your look maybe be seen as toxic by you. Then it is up to you or the person to be flexible, depending on the relationship goal. Likewise if you love to teach or give orders, you need to understand that not everyone likes to be ordered around, and not everyone has interest in learning.  This may not mean that you are a bad person, but it mean you are being hard on those who don't see things the way you do, and you must have been pushing too hard without you knowing.  Well, I have been here. It will definitely hurt the two parties.  What helps is effective communication and boundaries.  

Well, Chapman says it is secret to love that last. I will say, if you find the love in the right place, and you set your INTENTIONS straight, and not only define it, but ACT and model it.

Do you know love can turn to hate?

Yes. If you love too much, such that you want everything for the other people using the wrong language, then it becomes hate. Take the examples given above.


Why do you love?

Are you willing to let loss and give love?

Do you know you need to Love Allaah before you think about love?

What you need is a mindful love, and this is for you to understand that Allaah is The Only One in charge of our HEARTS. 

My question is, WHO ARE YOU?

When you find that, then there is a clue. 
Together we LOVE more, and glow better.

Love starts from the core, your CORE. 
Love is flexible but wise.
Love is true compassion and understanding. 
Love is real and vulnerable. 
Love can die.
But those who love never lost, the memory lingers. 
Understanding Allaah's part in love prevent heartbreak and builds resilience. 
You need to welcome love, show love and let yourself feel love. 
Love is the root.
Love starts from being mindful of Allaah.

Do not be hard on yourself, Allaah is The Ultimate Truth, whatever the heart comprehend is among The clear Sign of Allaah. Be happy. Love. LIVE. TRUST. be WISE. KNOW that every pleasure without exception will end, but enjoy the MOMENT while being conscious of Allaah in your dealings. 

DO WHAT YOU WILL BE PROUD, and hope to be rewarded for by THE SOURCE OF LOVE. 

live and give ROOM.
give the RIGHTS of Allaah to Him, and the rights of His slaves to them....LOVE.


Please let me know how you define love in the comment section. Or an instance where your definition is misunderstood by someone.

Don't forget that observing moderation and being HAPPY is one of the teachings of The Messenger of Allaah, may Allaah's peace and Mercy be upon him, and his household. 


Remember, heart is the master of knowledge, if you KNOW love, show it with your HEART, hug with your soul, and LOVE with your heart. Beautiful people like you are what make this world beautiful, show and teach others that LOVE is BEAUTIFUL. 

If they don't KNOW it, model it, and never forget human nature and weaknesses. Good deed is like pouring water over filth. Expressing and showing love is a good deed. Even your smile. 

SMILE from the CORE.


Thank you for reading. Talking about love and acting it is beautiful, and I love LOVE. How about you?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love I believe got tons of definitions according to each individual...
    Love to me is to respect and be respected..
    Love is to show care...
    Love is to help..
    Love is to wish others good..
    Love is to take others hand towards the right path in order to meet in firdaws.
    Love is to love you for the sake of Allah!! 😊🌹

    1. Maa Shaa Allaah! Barakhallahu feek dear beautiful sister. May Allaah continue to bless and preserve your love, and grant it as Mercy to attain Jannah.

  3. Lest I forget.... That was a nice write up... May Allah bless... ❤️❤️❤️


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