Sunday, February 2, 2020


The voice I crave to share.....
Those who think they know, know nothing.

Those who are bold enough to ask are either being thoughtful or deceitful

Those who say the truth are bold enough to be vulnerable.

Those who don't say the truth are either careful or being foolish.

Those who turn out the hands of help earn nobody a reward but themselves.

Those who seek help are wise.

Those who don't ask for help when they need it, fools nobody  but themselves or they are being adaptive

Those who accept or question authority are being courageous

Those who assume what is not are being delusional

Those who are loyal followers will be nothing but great leaders.

Those who abuse their leadership power earns nobody's wrath but Allah's.

Those who are claim to be good observant forget the BLUR.

Not all you think is truth is true, get to the root or be just within the context.

Not all those who are quiet are introspective.

Not all those who talk are stupid.

Not all those who help you are feeding their EGO, some may be giving a hand.

Not all those who accept your help are using you, they may be giving you a chance.

Not all those who wander are lost, you better be careful what you feed your thoughts

Not all those who come out seeks attention.

Not everyone who reads this will have the same experience of IT.


Why not be on the safer side.... be curious about ideas and not other people, or be intentional with your curiosity.

These are some of what I used to say when I was little and get beaten most of the times, except for my parents who taught me how to share my views. Today I am a year OLDER and I am grateful for GROWTH, my Parents, the power of perspectives, and INTERCONNECTION, AlhamdulLilLaAh!

 Again, I am grateful for soul connection, I am grateful for you reading this piece, no matter what relationship we share, I am grateful.

Every year I come off my cocoon, promise myself a new GOAL, share my VOICE without violating, TO LIVE and GIVE ROOMS.

make communication EFFECTIVE.
be clear about BOUNDARIES.
RESPECT other's boundaries.


Live and give rooms.
Know your values.

Be strong, know your weaknesses.
Be beautiful, know your flaws.
Be wise, learn from your mistakes.

continue to fall in love with the process of being your best version.


laugh with your eyes,
smile with your heart,
hug with your soul.


Be so positive that people crave your energy.


Be prepared for hate
Brunt of jokes
But be Authentic

And  be
AWARE of everyone's UNIQUENESS.




A reflection on COVID 19

Where is HOME? COVID-19, a message that home calls.

Where is HOME?  Have you ever asked yourself what defines a home, or  how home feels like, especially if you are an immigrant like me. ...