Sunday, November 15, 2020

Fortified with FAITH

 Today, I am reflecting on pictures I shared earlier and I realized how swift time flies and how far what have been left behind , as well as how far more I will still go on traversing on this journey of mine. This transient JOURNEY. 

I reminded myself to FOCUS on progress, and I am GRATEFUL for the highs and lows. AlhamdulLiLaahi Robbil A'laamin. 

There are so many things to be grateful for, so many things to be HOPEFUL for, so many of how much I need to keep relying on my Lord, Allaah subhanahu wa Taalla. And how much we as humans have nothing to call ours except what Allaah gift us from His bounties. This leaves me with HOPE, LOVE, and fear of Allaah. 

First of my reflection is on GROWTH, it is amazing how things or people grow with time, likewise it is fearful how things or people fall apart with time, how we all fall away with time except if we are mindful of Allaah and see how numbered our stay on this journey is.  Again on growth, I saw the pictures of my tiny little ones and I remember how soft their skins were, how fragile and delicate, how I struggled to hold them when they were little, how fast it seems they are grown, Maa Shaa Allaah. How fearful and hopeful I am as they grow. Like a plant, we all grow and fade away. Like a mold we all will decay over time, like a bird a child will grow and go on its journey, its PURPOSE and be responsible for itself, with TIME. Like moments we all are, fading away with time and preparing for the next journey. Then again, I hope and pray for guidance on this journey for myself and the Amanah that Allaah has gifted me. 

Then I reflect on marriage, the journey of beginning and conclusion, of which should be on Allaah's term else there will be a rumble and grumble. Marriage the time of transition, a progression;  sometimes smooth, and orderly, other time rough and bumpy. But then I asked myself, isn't it what our lives are? 

Marriage is one of Allaah's greatest school of learning. It evolves around choosing between numerous paths, with characteristics and destinations. Indeed a journey it is, encountered with blissful stages or trying periods; SEASONS.  Fortified with the hope of fulfilling an act of worship. 

While I reflect on marriage, then I remembered a particular picture taken at Ibadan, a cute little boy with a beautiful smile that melts my heart. At Ibadan, it was a memory of how that smile helped heal my pain, the pain that comes with marriage, miles away from  my love, and in a place of discomfort to what I used to know. Families with different orientation and perspectives, the dilemma of a new Africa bride, in-laws. I remembered how I trusted myself to be able to deal with it, and I am grateful of how well I coped , and then I remembered how strong I realized I am, I discovered strength that I never knew I had, and I am grateful. But then again, it wasn't me, it was Rahmah. Grateful for several things, top of it is my parents; they did gave me a gift, the gift of good upbringing, I am grateful for Allaah for the gift and MERCY of Islam, I am grateful for my man, his amazing mother, and my beautiful baby boy. I choose to forgive and forget, but I do not want to forget the lesson learned, one of which is to be the best mother and mother in-law, In shaa Allaah. And most importantly to show myself love, and compassion to others. To be myself wholeheartedly. 

Another picture triggered my reflection was our first trip to Memphis, a beautiful Eid, nice time with friends and families, a memorable day it was, a day at Memphis, which is now our home. How we had to take the toughest decision in our lives. Transition. We took the toughest and bravest decision to relocate to Memphis afterward,  and it is a blessing that we hope and pray continues to help us grow in Eeman. It is  funny how colleagues at work keep asking me how I move from New York to Memphis of all places, sometimes I don't have an answer to let them understand how it is a blessing that we are grateful for, all I do is smile and say you really cannot understand. 

The truth is, I do not know where I am going or how far I will go, but every step gives HOPE and I PROCLAIM Allaah's Grace. I am grateful for time and GRACE. I am grateful for my becoming, I am grateful for moments. And I will continue to try  and strive to continue to be in tune with moments and flow,  with hope and reliance on my Lord. 

In our lives, what we can control is how much we TRUST The Creator of our lives and how strong we depend on Him.  How much we need to choose our faith and well-being. 

When I say time heals, seeing those pictures validate it and I am grateful for love, time and GRACE. 

Nothing in this life is permanent or perfect. Being aware of this is soul uplifting and hope strengthening.

The best tool is FAITH and prayers, there is no might nor power except with Allaah.

On traversing on the highs and lows  of this journey requires Rahmah and that is all I seek. I hope you will Trust Allaah more on your journey no matter how rough or tough it seems, then DO your part. 

OBEY and SUBMIT dear striving self.

As salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarkhatuhu.

A reflection on COVID 19

Where is HOME? COVID-19, a message that home calls.

Where is HOME?  Have you ever asked yourself what defines a home, or  how home feels like, especially if you are an immigrant like me. ...