Saturday, December 14, 2019

Yes please.

Now that everyone who writes is said to be depressed, I guess I am ready to claim that too, that I am depressed to how we fail to set our boundaries or how we do not let people know their limits in relating to us, and thus we keep them in a limbo. 

We enslave them in our own insecurities. 
So many times, I am seen people get frustrated over what others do to them, but they refuse to let it slip off their minds, and instead of making it cleared that they do not tolerate to be treated in a certain way, they rather prefer an approach which keeps the other person confused as to what kind of relationship they share.

Most of the time, we forget that people comes and goes in our lives, and all that we need is a sincere us and goal we aim to attain in that relationship. We forget that letting an issue slip, or talking it is different and much better than keeping it to ourselves, and then treating the other person in a passive manner aggressively. 

As much as it is understandable that so issues are better left, how about what it has done to our emotions or self esteem. We go in denial of our own emotions, instead of a proper approach to resolve the conflict, or personality clash.
Effective communication is very important in every genuine relationship, especially if it is long term, as this helps to resolve amicably and let every party know its stands in the relationship, without trespassing.

It will hurt, it will be hard but it is best to be resolved, if it will not go off our minds.
As much as people tend to abuse forgiveness, it is still better that you make them apologize for that which you think they did to you. And if truly they are interested in the relationship, you have to be on a common ground.

It is better and healthier to let people know how choked you are around them , or how miserable they make you feel when they cross the line. 

So many times we refuse to let accept our share of the cake, how our insecurities is enslaving us, just because we do not like to be called a troublemaker, neglecting the fact that unresolved conflict is detrimental to our relationships.

We all run away, but one person has to be the troublemaker, or we go at our distances for peace. 

I am depressed,

Yes I am,

To why we really never let it slip, but piling it up.

I am depressed to how we treat our closed by aggressively.

I am depressed to how the way to manage a passive aggressor is to be manipulative or being a passive aggressor.

I am depressed as to why we be in denial, claiming gentillity.

I am depressed to how we fail to call ourselves to orders sincerely.

I am depressed to how we think we run away from trouble, whereas we have trouble in how minds.

I am depressed as to how much we laugh and play but when conflict comes we run away, we run away because we are in denial, because we do not want to be seen as a troublemaker.


I am depressed

I am a troublemaker

And I ask

Who are you?

Who am I?


I say,

What is really pulling us apart is SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS.

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