Saturday, December 28, 2019


When people talk about "creating their realities", I always feel like a weird one, because I do not entirely agree with the saying.


How do you define your REALITY  when you refuse to face the one right in front of you? has always been my question. I find it hard to belief that we can neglect a phase which is supposed to be prerequisite to another.

As an enthusiast who loves to explore people, I realize how comparison syndrome is killing us all, how we fail to accept that our realities are different and unique. It is understandable that we can learn from other people or be influenced by others, but this should never have made us forget how our nature is similar to the minerals of earth, how our problems and experiences can not be fully identical.

Looking back at how challenging the first year of my migration to America was to my personality, how I have many realities that people refuse to understand, and how many takes it as the greatest achievement, I was finding it hard to adapt, as a private, strong willed girl of so many dreams, it was a so-so experience, and it was exhausting at the beginning, until I shut down many external plug ins, and that is one thing I love about myself, before anything, I respect my sanity, and this love for myself and my soul has been helpful when the going gets tough.

 Understanding and accepting Realities!

Every individual has its reality, it is pathetic as many of us see our realities staring at us, yet we refuse to accept it, we follow the crowd, aimlessly.

You want to be good by everyone, (which is good), but is it detrimental to your purpose?
Maybe not....

I remember how people had so much to say, so many to advice, so many to teach, when I moved to America. My husband and I got married with a goal in mind, and as a team we play our roles towards the goal, our reality, and this did not stop people from having a thing or two to say.

A lot told me how I have to double my hustle,
How I need to shine my eyes,
Some tell me to be careful in the mirage, to not let the society get my kids.
Some even told my husband to not let his wife  overshadow him(lol).
And others told me to be independent, many others told me to take my time, that the country is a trap, and the list goes on.
Did anyone ask me what I wanted?
Do they care about me?
Yes, they do, in their own way.

What is my reality?
I am a Muslim woman, I know my rights and my responsibilities, and I have a VISION.
To live a CONFIDENT and CAREFREE life. I have some many coming in, so many talking, so many looking up to me;  but, little or non listening. Or offer to ask me what I want.

We as humans, we have been carried away in what others expect of us, that we neglect ourselves. Our purpose, and our reality.

So, what is your reality?
To me, my reality is my present, the moment, and being in-tune with my inner state.
I wanna be good by everyone around me, but EH, what do I have on my table right NOW, and am I flowing with it?
Is my leg grounded on its root with my head up right and feet standing straight?

These are questions we should ask ourselves, our REALITY, not what we want to do to make others see how good we are, rather it should be how SANE we are, and how true, real, and SINCERE we are with that reality.

The pursuit of perfection limits our ability to be present and literally robs us of the vitality of life. We forget that our time would be far better spent in delving into how to heal the insecurity that catalyzed the desire for perfection. We live in a terribly misplaced goal often to serve as a compensation for what really troubles us, neglecting the present. Forgetting that we can only get CLARITY  if we are present in the moment and flow with it, we get delusional in fears, ego, and hate for ourselves. 

What I have observed from exploring people is that, most people don't sit down to truly analyze their reality, they do not take the time to go to the roots, rather they prefer to be spoon fed on what can work on the surface, they prefer to get a temporary dose of bliss, while it is true that we cannot get all that we wanted in this life, but, are we really making an effort to see through what impact we are making on the reality. Do we agree with our heads rather than our hearts, or vice versa, what do you truly pursue?
Who are you?
Who am I?
What are your traits of CONDUCT?

So many times, I really do wonder how people think they can neglect the NOW, while chasing the next.

My dear friend reading this,, I hope and pray that this write up helps you to practice MINDFULNESS, to be fully in tune with the reality that you have at hand, while truly striving for what you desire, that way, you can truly see through and beyond the BOX. That way, you can decide to explore and connect with YOU, to set your priorities rights, to answer the questions to who you really are and what you bring to the table.



Be present,

And yes,

How about you and I take a few moments to be in the MOMENT and embrace  gratitude.
To gain mental strength.

To be happy with YOU.
To find equilibrium and a calm state of MIND.To build your SELF esteem.

To be TRUE with your PRESENT.
To connect with your innate BEAUTY.To face the fear wholeheartedly and STAND Tall and BOLD.To get CLARITY.
To say YES
to your REALITY.

Say YES to YOU.

Who are you?
Are you taking responsibility for your GROWTH?

How about you nurture yourself to be beautiful IN and OUT.


.......and how are you contributing to your growth?
principle for GROWTH.

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